Pawn Loans in Florida

Simple Pawn

Every day, when our customers walk in our doors, our mission is to ensure they have received the best customer service from our associates.

Pawn Loans in Florida | Simple Pawn

We Lend More

We are here to get you what you need. That’s why we lend more and we pay top cash for all. At Simple Pawn there are no credit checks, no long forms to complete. You will get your cash in minutes. We pride ourselves on offering our customers higher loan values. When you are in need of quick cash, you need to feel confident that we will loan you more than anyone else.

We Want You To Get Your Stuff Back

We will take care and guard your valuables until you return to claim them. Most people incorrectly think that we would rather you not redeem your merchandise. This is the furthest thing from the truth. We will work with you to help you get your items back. We do not care how much or how little you borrowed. If you want it back, we want you to get it back.

Sell & Trade

Rather sell your stuff? We pay more to buy gold, diamonds and jewelry
If you would rather sell your stuff than pawn it we may want to buy it for cash or trade it for merchandise you need. Bring it into our pawn shop and let us make you an offer.

Jewelry Loans | Simple Pawn

Jewelry Loans

With many years of industry expertise in the diamond and estate jewelry trade, our loan specialists are recognized for their higher cash loans on diamonds jewelry, gemstone jewelry and high-brand watches.

What We Take

We lend on anything of value. Typically the personal possessions we use as collateral for loans include gold jewelry (even broken or mismatched), tools, tablets, game systems and flat screen televisions or anything we consider of value.